Thursday, April 4, 2013


Some of us are headed to Atl for open workout 13.5 tonight, so Coach Clayton will be teaching this afternoon.

dynamic warmup
stretch hips and ankles
mobilize for a good rack position
mobilize shoulders for pulling

A. 3x3 Front Squat "moderately heavy, but not maximal"

B. Mini Open 13.5
Complete as many reps as possible in 4 mins of:
12 thrusters (85/55)
12 pull-ups (CTB for Tim)
If you reach 72 repetitions before the 4 mins expires, a bonus 4 mins will be added.
If you reach 144 repetitions before the 8 mins expires, a bonus 4 mins will be added.
The trend continues if you can complete 3 rounds of 12+12 every 4 mins.

Foam roll back, quads, and lats

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